marisa and mike


Mike and Marisa will be arriving in Jamaica on Wednesday, January 11th.  We plan to use this time to finalize last minute wedding details, get a little pre-wedding sun and spend time relaxing with family and friends. Please let us know if you will be arriving early when you submit your itinerary details and we look forward to many informal pool-side visits!

THURSDAY, January 12th

We are kicking off some of the weekend events on Thursday because so many of our family and friends will be arriving in Jamaica earlier in the week, and there were so many great activity options! 

Afternoon - Jamaican Rum Tasting

Please join us in the Cohoba Lounge at the Ritz to sample one of Jamaica's finest and most enjoyable products - rum!  Marisa's dad will be jump starting the party and arranging a tasting of several different varieties of Jamaica rum. Join us to expand your knowledge of the rum-making process, provided the sampling doesn't go to your head!

9:00 PM - Campfire and S'Mores

Mike's niece, Evelyn, recently discovered a fondness for marshmallows, so we wanted to welcome our family, friends and Eve to the island by hosting a campfire and marshmallow roast on the Ritz beach Thursday evening.  Please join us after dinner for s'mores and a warm Jamaican welcome!

Friday, January 13th

Despite any date-associated superstitions, we are very excited for the day before the day.

Daytime Activities

We are hoping to arrange a few different daytime activities, such as a beach volleyball or golf game, to bring all our friends and family together during the day.  Stay tuned for updates!

Wedding Rehearsal

4:00 PM — The Gazebo

Guests involved in the wedding ceremony will be gathering to go through the ceremony process and other details. This is an informal event and will transition right into the barbeque, so pool party wear is appropriate and called for!

Jamaican Barbeque Pool Party

6:30 PM — Ritz Carlton, Poolside

We would like to officially welcome all of our family and friends to the Caribbean with some jerk chicken, steel drums, and of course, a swim!  Everyone is invited to join us at the Ritz for an evening barbeque and swimming soiree.

This is a casual event and will hopefully involve a pool game or two, so no need to break out the heels or dress pants.  Please feel free to wear your swim suit and pool-side finest!

Saturday, January 14th

The Day!  Marisa and Mike will be calmly counting down the final hours. 

Since this is also a great opportunity to soak up some of the Jamaican sun, we are planning on establishing a pool-side and beach-side home base during the day on Saturday to help connect our families and friends.  Please feel free to stop by and say "Hello!"

Marisa and Mike will officially tie the knot at 4:00 PM at the Ritz Carlton.  This is the event.  Even writing this, there are goose bumps!

Although not on the beach, our wedding will also not be a formal affair.  Dress suits, ties and evening gowns are not necessary.  Feel free to wear summer dresses or slacks.  The ceremony and cocktail hour will both be held outside, on the lawn at the Ritz.  Marisa can assure you that high heels and a grassy lawn do not mix well, the same goes for heels and a long night of dancing.  Ladies should feel completely at ease in their summer flats and sandals!

Sunday, January 15th

We would like to take some time on our first full day as a married couple to share stories from the previous night and say thank you to all of our guests. 

Bon Voyage Brunch

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM — Ritz Carlton, Ballroom Terrace

Everyone is welcome to stop by for breakfast and a chance to revisit the night before. 

Again, this is a casual event, so please wear whatever is comfortable.